Sunday, October 31, 2004

I know what's a rule, but what's a rule?

I've finally made some time to update with everything that's happened in the last couple of weeks, including fall break, school stuff and my mini vacation home this weekend. Here we go...

Fall Break...
Over my fall break here at WKU, I went to Martin to see Greg, Tan-tra', David, Kenetra and everyone else who is still there. I went home on Thursday night to see my brother's football game because it was the only Thursday that I didn't have class at night. I left for Martin early on Friday morning so that I would have time to see Jeannie before she left Interfaith. I got to Martin around 11:30ish. I talked to Jeannie for a while, and she showed all the things they have done to Interfaith since the last time I was there. After that I headed to Greg's apartment, which is very cute, to see David and wait for Greg to get back from class. Then we headed to campus to see some people. I talked to Robinson who gave me a bear hug and a pep talk about not dropping out of grad school. We'll see if it works. We all went to eat at Michael's, and we all had fun...except for when I was being called a dirty whore because I'm voting for Bush...but other than that, we had a great time :) After that, we went back to Greg's to do something, but I dont' remember what. Anyways, later Greg, Kenetra and I went to pick up Norman (aka Kayla). When we got there, Greg parked right by the window and wouldn't move although I told him that I didn't want to sit by the window while I was smoking because all of the kids could see me out the window. He said it would be fine. So he and Ken head in to get Kayla and next thing I know, there are three kids staring at the window at me. I wave and they run away. Next time I look over they are there again staring at me. I wave, they run. This goes on for ~3 minutes until the car in front of us moves. Then I move into the driver's seat and move Greg's car over so that we're not in front of the window. I guess you had to be there because it was almost the funniest thing I've ever seen. Then Greg, Ken, Norman and I had headed to Memphis to drop off Norman and to pick up Tan-tra'(!!). The car ride to Memphis was fun. I got to see the Slim Fast factory and the tree surrounding Alex Haley's house. And I got to irritate the crap out of Ken with Norman. Besides getting lost, having to answer the cell phone every ~20 minutes, being growled at by Brandon, picking up Tan-ta' and getting our picture taken at the truckstop, not much happened on the car ride back to Martin. Friday night was a pretty crappy night, but Saturday made up for it. On Saturday morning, we went to the Homecoming parade and that was fun. I can still see Greg scrambling for candy and toys looking like, as Ken put it, "a crackhead." After the parade, we went to eat at Ryan's. The food was good, but watching Greg try to steal a plate was even better. I had a lot of fun being with everyone at lunch, and not having to worry about anything dealing with grad school. Then we went back to Martin and went to the football game. We actually got to see Martin score, although I'm not sure Greg even knew there was a game going on. He spent most of the time looking at and talking about the cheerleaders, which is how I learned different cheeleading moves, which helped me later when we were playing the card game. After the game, everyone but Tan-tra' went back to Greg's. She went out with some of here sorors. We watched tv and talked at Greg's. Later we picked up Tan and helped her get ready to go out with some other Deltas. We went back to Greg's and played a couple of drinking games that were really fun. Throughout the course of one of the games, Ken lost any respect she'd ever had for me after learning about some of the stuff I've done before, but other than that, we had fun. Then we played a drinking card game that was fun. I think Ken and I ended up having to drink the most, but it was still fun. And yes, I put my straw in up side down and knew what a rule was but still asked what a rule was. The card game was even more fun because that's when people really started drinking, everyone except Greg. But it's a good thing he didn't get too drunk because later that night we had to deal with a very drunk person. After Tan-tra' got back to Ken's house, we took Ken over there. Later we got a call saying that Ken needed help dealing with Tan-tra' because she was drunk. We didn't know that Ken had never dealt with a drunk Tan-tra', which is a very emotional Tan-tra'. Megan went to help try to take care of them, but later Greg and I had to walk over there and help...which might not have been the best idea because Greg has a penis. Drunk Tan-tra' hated all men right then, includiing Greg. During her drunk diatribe about how men suck and why did Greg have to be a man, she noticed my shirt, which was bad because it was pink and green. So I was then informed that I should just go upstairs with the AKAs. So after I took off my shirt (thank goodness for my undershirt), she then started yelling at Greg again because he still had a penis. After throwing a shoe at him, telling all of us that she was horny and a pillow reminded her of sex, falling into the cabinets, thanking me for telling her that she needed to brush her teeth, and almost making me cry because of the things she was saying about her life, we finally got her into bed. We felt bad leaving Ken to deal with her, but there was nothing else that we could do for her then. We went home and later went to sleep ourselves. On Sunday, I had to leave, which was sad, but I knew that I would be able to see everyone else again in December when we go to Disney.
I have chosen to leave out some crappy things that happened in Martin because I don't really care about them and don't want to remember can figure out these things on your own.

I didn't realize how long it would take me to remember all of the things that happened during Fall Break. I have to get ready to go to work, but after I get off and get done with my online chat for my interpersonal support in the workplace class, I'll jump back on here with updates about school and the past weekend. Check back soon because you know you wanna...

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